April 30, 2016
Dear Data Two | Week 52: Goodbye
Goodbye - it’s something we say all the time. Sometimes it means “see you soon”. Sometimes it signifies the end. Week 52 of Dear Data Two was all about goodbyes. When do I say them? Who do I say them to? How emotional am I? How do I say goodbye?
The timing for this week couldn’t have been any better. Not only was this the final week for Dear Data Two, it was also the last week for the second cohort of the Data School. I wanted to track my emotions throughout the week to see if anyone or anything triggered me to be more emotional. Unfortunately I never found this out; I rarely got too emotional saying goodbye.
What’s exciting for me is that I know the Data School is ready for their placements. Saying goodbye to them wasn’t about being sad, it was about being proud. Proud of who they’ve become, what they represent, and the impact they’re going to have on the World.
For Dear Data Two, it’s more bittersweet. I’m very excited it’s over. Tracking data about yourself on a different topic for 52 weeks is not easy. Taking that data and trying to understand is even harder. Then I still had to create a postcard, which was BY FAR the hardest part. I’ve grown, and I’ve learned an amazing amount about myself, about Tableau, about Jeff. That’s what I’ll miss.
What I take most from this project is the approach: drawing visualisations makes you think differently. There’s no interactivity, no computer screen, little directions. There’s no way you cannot become better at data visualisation through a project like this.
I hope you all have enjoyed following this project. I hope you’re learned something about data visualisation. I hope you’ve picked up some Tableau tricks along the way. I appreciate all of the feedback and comments.
I’d also like to thank Steve Wexler for his great blog post on visualising 4-scale survey data. The post was immensely helpful this week and I gladly stole his color palette.
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