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July 26, 2021

#MakeoverMonday 2021 Week 30 - America's Racial Breakdown by State

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Makeover Monday week 30 looked at this viz from Visual Capitalist showing the percentage of each race in each State in America.

In the video below, you'll see my recreate the tiled treemap before creating a tiled bar chart. Thanks for watching!

Click here to view the interactive version on Tableau Public.

July 21, 2021

How to Compare to the Prior N Months Using the IN Function

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This tip comes from an exercise I did alongside DS21 to find different ways to compare to the prior 3 months. Owen Barnes came up with the method using the IN function upon which this tip is based.

Check out how we did this same exercise with a table calculation and a level of detail expression on Owen's blog here.

July 19, 2021

#MakeoverMonday 2021 Week 29 - Non-Whites Are At Higher Risk of Dying From COVID-19

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Another COVID-19 data set this week and a great visualization that shows how much more likely ethnic minorities in the UK are to die from COVID.

In the video, I worked through rebuilding the original viz since I liked it so much. Interact with the viz below the video.

July 12, 2021

#MakeoverMonday 2021 Week 28 - COVID Vaccination Rates by Ethnicity and Age in England

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How can ethnic groups be treated differently when it comes to the COVID vaccine? It's terrible! And this data from NHS England clearly demonstrates the racial divisions that exist in this country.

I'm not sure what happened during the recording, but it got split into two parts. Both are below.


Thanks for tuning in! Interact with the viz by clicking on the image below or here.

July 7, 2021

#WOW2021 Week 26 - Profitability With a Dual Axis Chart

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Typically our Wise Up Wednesday crew do these together but today, I was on my own In this video, I take you through how I completed Workout Wednesday 2021 week 26. It's a bit of a ramble since I started from scratch, but I got there.

Video and solution below...

July 6, 2021

How to Disable Sorting on a Worksheet

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Let's say you have multiple metrics on a chart (not required) and you have sorted the chart in a specific way, for example by sales, and you want to prevent your users from sorting by something else.

It's quite simple! All you have to do is turn off the sort controls. In this short Tableau Tip, I show you how to do it. Enjoy!

#MakeoverMonday Week 27 - If Only _____ Voted

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This week's data set was one of the most interesting we've had for Makeover Monday. I found it fascinating to see some of the extreme polarization in the demographics of US voters in the 2020 election.


2. Original Viz -
3. How to Create a Trellis Chart -
4. The Data Visualisation Catalogue - 

The original was really good and I didn't particularly want to create a map. Instead, I wanted to visualize all of the demographics at the same time to see if any patterns emerged. I find them a bit hard to see in what I created, but when I know what I'm looking for (e.g., women vs. men) then the contrasts really stand out.

I create the heatmap the way I did for two reasons:

  1. To see across each metric in order to identify consistent blue or red patterns for an entire demographic (e.g., early voting or urban).
  2. To see if individual States always voted for Biden or Trump irrespective of the demographic (e.g., CA, MA, MD for Biden or KS, KY, LA for Trump).

There are parts of Watch Me Viz you can skip, like early on when I build some maps and try to join the data together (unsuccessfully) or when I change the data to Excel format.

Thanks for tuning in! Interact with the viz by clicking on the image below or here.

July 1, 2021

#WOW2021 Week 22 - Can You Structure the Unstructured?

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Week 22 was quite the tricky challenge. The idea itself is quite simple, but you had to (1) use REGEX to get the number of bedrooms (thanks to Sylvie Imbert at The Data School for her help!) and (2) know how to create bins without using the BIN function. 

Unless you've done it before, you likely will get quite stuck figuring out how to create the bins because it requires a hidden function...SYS_NUMBIN. I won't go into detail here; you can read more on Jeffrey Shaffer's blog here.

Check out how we did it by clicking on the image below.