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January 28, 2020

#TableauTipTuesday - How to Create KPIs and Sparklines in a Single Worksheet

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Typically I see people creating one sheet for their KPIs and another for a sparkline. In this tip, I show you how to combine them into a single worksheet. Less worksheets equals less maintenance!

January 14, 2020

#TableauTipTuesday: The Basics of Nested Level of Expressions

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Nested LODs are often a very confusing topic and are usually only needed when you need to aggregate an already aggregated value to a higher level of detail.

In this video, I walk you through the step-by-step method I use for understanding Nested LODs with two examples:

  1. Average Number of Unprofitable Order Per Customer for Each Segment
  2. Average Sales per Ship Mode and Category Across Region