June 3, 2011
Tableau Viz Contest (Support my entry) – Diet Coke is now the #2 brand…The cola wars continue!
Please take a second to click this link to give me a quick show of support: http://bit.ly/lo58QV
The Tableau Interactive “Viz” contest closed Friday. The winner chosen will take away a free roundtrip ticket to attend the 2011 Tableau Customer Conference. This includes 3 night’s accommodations at the Encore and a chance to compete in the Iron Viz championship with the winners of two other contests. The winner of Iron Viz will take away a new iPad2, and $2,000.
My time was limited to work on the contest (I’m busy blowing people away with Tableau in my real job) so I updated a viz I created back in December. The key difference now is that Diet Coke has overtaken Pepsi as the #2 preferred soft drink brand in the world. You read that right, Coke & Diet Coke are now #1 and #2. I think we know who’s winning the cola wars now!
The viz below is a cleaned up, simplified version of my December viz. The purpose is simple, how is Coke performing compared to Pepsi. Compare historical price trends and shares traded over time. Using the “Choose a time frame” selector, you can view the data by Year, Quarter, Month or Day…you pick the level of detail you want to see. You can also drill down to specific years (the data starts in 1977 since that’s when Pepsi went public).
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