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May 20, 2019

#MakeoverMonday: Bear Attacks in North America

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Continuing the animal theme from Eva last week, this week I provided the Makeover Monday Community a data set about bear attacks in North America since 1900.

Vox has an interesting article and has the visualization that we'll makeover this week.

What works well?

  • The title summarizes the findings.
  • The sub-title provides context.
  • Including the source and author's name
  • Using a bar chart
  • Including the numbers in the bars
  • Including the gridlines to make the bars easier to compare
  • Good use of color

What could be improved?
  • The bear icons should be removed.

What I did
I really liked Hesham Eissa's viz this week, so I used that as inspiration for mine. 
  • His unit chart points downward, but I wanted mine to point upward.
  • I like his BANs, so I included some of my own, but different numbers.
  • I included the total for each month as he did.
  • Hesham's dot are colored by the location (US vs. other), while I colored mine by the type of bear.
  • I included a line chart to show the cumulative attacks by type of bear since 1900.

Thanks for the inspiration Hesham!!

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