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September 23, 2019

#MakeoverMonday Week 39 - Are tenants in cool neighborhoods less likely to be evicted?

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This week Sophie Sparks thought it would be a good idea for me to live stream building my viz. You can watch the video here. I started with critiquing the original viz.

SOURCE: Humanistic Data Science
What works well?
  1. The title tells us what each line represents.
  2. The daily view helps show the major outliers and the dominant neighborhood.

What could be improved?
  1. The colors are hard to distinguish.
  2. The data is too granular.
  3. I'm not sure what the purpose is.

What I did
Watch the video to see everything I did and how I explored the data, then refined my analysis. Along the way I kept notes of things that stuck out to me like the Ellis Act, any outliers, and locations that are dominants.

I started by asking the following questions: When, Where, Why, Who, How. I explored each of these questions by building several charts for each and deciding which one worked the best together. I then built the dashboard, applied all of the formatting, clean up the tooltips, added some interactivity, and published. Done!

And here's where I ended up. Click on the viz for the interactive version.

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