
Launch, grow, and unlock your career in data

December 16, 2016

How have humans grown in the last 100 years?

This morning I was catching up on my backlog on feedly and read the two amazing blog post by Rody Zakovich and Alexander Mou about creating a Sigmoid curves. I have never created a chart like this before and I love the visual appearance so I thought I’d give it a go.

I went back to my Data School Gym challenge from a few months ago because I knew it was simply comparing one point in time to another like Alexander covers in his blog. In this case, I was looking at the change in human height by country from 1896 to 1996. Alex’s blog is so well written and easy to follow. All I had to do was essentially copy/paste his calculations and I was off.

I’m asked very often how to get better at Tableau. For me, there’s no better way than practicing. And when you think you’ve practiced enough, practice more. You will never ever know everything. Just keep learning, like I’ve done this morning. With that, here’s my first Sigmoid curve.