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June 4, 2016

What’s it like to travel if you’re a Kriebel?

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Paris! It evokes images of beauty, tranquility, reverence, history. For our kids, this was a must-take holiday, so this past week we traveled to Paris for half term (and Henry’s birthday). When we take a holiday, it’s generally not relaxing. Often we need a holiday from our holiday. Paris was no exception.

Despite the terrible rains, we toured museum after museum. And I tracked it all on Foursquare, with each check-in getting logged to Google Sheets automatically via an IFTTT recipe. This allowed me the chance to test out the new Google Sheets connector in Tableau 10 as well as the improved Mapbox integration.

Tableau Public isn’t running the beta yet, so for now, this image will have to do. It was quite the trip! 26 places visited in a just five days (though this does include food places). One day our kids will appreciate this adventure they’re on.

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