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July 22, 2018

Makeover Monday: Employment-Protected Leave of Absence for Mothers

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Eva has picked a nice simple data set this week about leave of absence protection in OECD (and various other) countries. Here's the original viz:

What works well?

  • The countries are clearly ordered by the weeks of paid maternity leave.
  • Including the three aggregations for context and giving them their own color so they stand out.
  • The subtitle explains what the chart represents.

What could be improved?

  • Remove all of the dark borders
  • Remove "Panel A" and "Panel B" from the chart headers
  • Change the title to summarize the findings in the data
  • Make understanding the relationship between the two data points easier

What I did

  1. Removed any non-OECD countries and aggregates
  2. Update the OECD averages in the source data since it wasn't calculating correctly
  3. Converted the original diverging bar chart to a scatterplot
  4. Included OECD average lines for both metrics
  5. Color-coded each quadrant
  6. Highlighted the United States' horrific performance
  7. Include the OECD average in the tooltip for context
  8. Enabled the highlighter option to allow the user to pick a country of their choice

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