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July 9, 2019

#TableauTipTuesday: How to Create a Parallel Coordinates Plot

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In this week's tip, I show you how to create a parallel coordinates plot. If you want some additional practice, this chart type was used in Workout Wednesday 2019 Week 49.
What is a parallel coordinates plot? Here's the definition from The Data Visualisation Catalogue:

This type of visualisation is used for plotting multivariate, numerical data. Parallel Coordinates Plots are ideal for comparing many variables together and seeing the relationships between them. In a Parallel Coordinates Plot, each variable is given its own axis and all the axes are placed in parallel to each other. Each axis can have a different scale, as each variable works off a different unit of measurement, or all the axes can be normalised to keep all the scales uniform. Values are plotted as a series of lines that connected across all the axes.

This workbook uses data from the NBA Stats website. You can get the data by downloading the workbook and unzipping it.


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