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July 14, 2019

#MakeoverMonday: More than ever, Americans aren't having sex

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Week 29 has us analyzing the changing frequency of sex by Americans. Thank you to Pablo Gomez for bringing this chart to my attention.

What works well?
  • Overall, the chart is really good. 
  • The title and subtitle make it very clear what the viz is about.
  • The labels focus you to the topic the creator wants you to focus on.
  • I like how the first year is a filled dot and the last year is an open dot.
  • Bolding the first and last years on the axis
  • Including the % sign on the y-axis for only the top value

What could be improved?
  • Is this colorblind friendly? I'd recommend verifying.
  • Does green mean good?
  • I don't know how they came up with the percentages they did. They don't match the source.
  • Label the lines directly with their frequency instead of using a color legend.
  • Lighten the gridlines.

What I did
  • Like the original, I filtered out 2012 because the data looks corrupted.
  • I liked the original, so I didn't change a whole lot. The main difference was splitting up the frequencies vertically.
  • Because I split of the frequencies, I made the viz tall and skinny and mobile friendly.
  • I labeled the start and end of each line.
  • I labeled the highest value for each frequency.
  • I included the change between 1989-2018 on the end of each line as a summary. I had to float everything to make this work, which damaged my soul a bit.
  • I'm only displaying the first and last year on the y-axis.
  • I included tooltips so the reader can see the exact values.
  • I used three shades of a single color that go from least sex to most sex (since the focus is on less sex).
  • I kept the same title and subtitle.
  • I used fonts from the Washington Post website. NOTE: They won't render on Tableau Public unless you have the same fonts installed (Playfair Display and Yantramanav).

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