
Launch, grow, and unlock your career in data

January 18, 2021

#MakeoverMonday Week 3 - The World is Getting Warmer

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This week's viz to makeover reminded me of a very similar (almost exactly the same) data set that we used for Makeover Monday in 2016. Here's the original viz:

Honestly, it's absolutely fantastic. It's one of the best examples of scrollytelling I've every seen. Check out the original here

Since I had explored this data set before, I know pretty quickly what I wanted to do. During Watch Me Viz, I went ahead through many iterations of working with time series data; they're all available in the workbook. Watch the video here (or below).

Here's my final viz. Each dot represents a month and the line represents at 10-year moving average. Each mark is compared to the 1951-1980 median. Click on the image to view the viz on Tableau Public.

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