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Workout Wednesday

What is Workout Wednesday? 

Do you think you're good with Tableau? Are you looking for an additional challenge? Workout Wednesday might be what you need. Workout Wednesday a set of weekly challenges from Andy Kriebel and Emma Whyte (for 2017) and Rody Zakovich (for 2018) designed to test your knowledge of Tableau and help you kick on in your development. We will alternate weekly challenges:

  • For 2017, Andy will take the odd weeks and post them on his blog.
  • For 2017, Emma post challenges on the even weeks on her blog
  • Links to all of the 2017 challenges can be found on this page. 
  • For 2018, Rody Zakovich will be taking over and partnering with Luke Stanke
  • Find all of the 2018 Challenges here.

The idea is to replicate the challenge that we pose as closely as possible. When you think you have it, leave a comment with a link to your visualisation and post a pic on Twitter for others to enjoy.

Week 53

Looks vs. Personality

Week 52

UK's Favorite Christmas Chocolates

Week 51

State by State Profit Ratio

Week 50

Rocket Ship Chart

Week 49

Position of Letter Occurrences in Baby Names

Week 48

Treemap Drilldown

Week 47

Fun with Formatting

Week 46

Top N Customers

Week 45

Stock Portfolio

Week 44

Customer Cohorts

Week 43

The Seasonality of Superstore

Week 42

Market Basket Analysis

Week 41

State to City Drill Down

Week 40

All Sorts | Part 2

Week 39

Are the contributions of top sellers increasing throughout the year?

Week 38

(It Takes) All Sorts

Week 37

Killings of Blacks by Whites Are Far More Likely to Be Ruled 'Justifiable'

Week 36

Which UK Airport Should You Fly From?

Week 35

Average Latitude of Solar Eclipses by Century

Week 34

Disney's Domination

Week 33

How Have Home Prices Changed?

Week 32

Continous Dates Are Tricky

Week 31

The Timing of Baby Making

Week 30

Loads of LODs

Week 29

Who sits where at the Data School?

Week 28

Insights & Annotations

Week 27

The Quadrant Chart

Week 26

UK General Election 2017 Results

Week 25

Visualising the National Student Survey with Spine Charts

Week 24

Visualising the National Student Survey with Spine Charts

Week 23

National Parks Have Never Been More Popular

Week 22

Wine Tasting Is Harder Than It Looks

Week 21

NCAA Final Score-by-Score

Week 20

Comparing Regions

Week 19

Product Spread Treemap (Part 2)

Week 18

Appearing and Disappearing Vizzes

Week 17

Product Spread Treemap (Part 1)

Week 16

Should I Buy Tableau Shares?

Week 15

How many times has a team been top of the Premier League?

Week 14

UK Exports Pareto

Week 13

Benford's Law

Week 12

Highlight a Treemap

Week 11

Full Year Calendar with Month Labels

Week 10

Exploring UK House Prices

Week 9

World Series Game 7: Pitch-By-Pitch

Week 8

Merimekko Makeover

Week 7

Dynamic Trellis Chart

Week 6

UK Population Predictions - Trellis Butterfly Chart

Week 5

The Distribution and Mean of NFL Quarterbacks

Week 4

Common Baseline Charts & NFL QBs

Week 3

The State of U.S. Jobs

Week 2

Showing Nothing When 'All' is Selected

Week 1

Comparing Year over Year Purchase Frequencies