
Launch, grow, and unlock your career in data

November 29, 2016

86 Tips in 45 Minutes | Our Presentation from DATA16

1 comment
Tableau Tip Tuesday is normally reserved for a single tip, but this week I'm happy to present to you 86 tips! That's right...86! Embedded below is the presentation from the Data16 session I did with Jeff Shaffer.

Our goal going into the session was to see if we could get to 50 tips in 50 minutes. Right before we started, we decided to let our wonderful judges and the audience count the tips. Why? Because Jeff and I have been using Tableau for a long time and sometimes we do things that come second nature to us that others didn't know.

This was BY FAR the most fun presentation I've ever given or been a part of. Thanks Jeff for being a great partner!!

If you'd like to follow along, you can download the workbook of my tips here.

My advice, pause the video along the way and try to reproduce the things I do using the starter workbook. Have fun!

1 comment :

  1. Just wanted to thank you for this...I was psyched to nab a front row seat at this in Austin, and even more excited to bring it back to share with the other Tableau folks at my company. Thanks for the great session!
