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August 7, 2017

Makeover Monday: How has access to toilets changed for girls in India?

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Eva picked quite an interesting and important topic this week for Makeover Monday week 32 - access to toilets for school girls in India. Coming from a western country, girls and boys have always had equivalent access to restroom facilities, so the topic itself has been a good learning experience for me. I hope this week the Community can make some really impactful vizzes.

Let's have a look at the original:

What works well?

  • The filled map helps you easily identify which States fall into which categories.
  • The colors work well together.

What could be improved?

  • The title doesn't make sense. What does access over sanitation mean?
  • Sanitation is spelled wrong in the title.
  • The legend is cut off.
  • Making comparisons across the maps is nearly impossible.
  • Making comparisons across years IS impossible.
  • There's a lack of explanation as to what the data means.
  • There's a lack of insight.
  • Labelling each State makes the maps look very cluttered.
  • There's no call to action.

My Goals

  • Provide insight as to which States have gotten better
  • Use a more meaningful metric rather than separating the two metrics
  • Simplify and declutter the visualisation
  • Highlight what's important
  • Emphasize the inequality of access to toilets for girls

With those goals in mind, here's my Makeover Monday week 32.

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