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December 30, 2018

Makeover Monday: Team by Team NHL Attendance

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Year 4 of Makeover Monday is here! I can't believe how quickly it's gone. We've made a number of changes for this year which you can read about here. We want to have more visibility into who is participating and how often, so we're also asking people to help us track their work by filling out the simple weekly submission form here. After we get a few weeks in, we'll build a dashboard to share with everyone.

For week 1, we're making over this chart from NHL to Seattle. Granted the chart is from 2013, but it's still worth a makeover. If you want to see what John Barr has done since then, you can find a more recent visualization of NHL attendance from him here.

What works well?

  • The teams are ordered alphabetically, which makes it easy to find a specific team.
  • Axes are clearly labeled

What could be improved?

  • You should NEVER EVER truncate the axis of a bar chart.
  • You should not use a line chart for non-ordinal data (e.g., team names).
  • There's no title.
  • 3D bar charts are meh
  • Labeling each square makes the viz feel cluttered.
  • Ordering the bars from highest to lowest would make it easier to see where a team ranks.

What I did

  • I grouped the team into their respective conferences and divisions.
  • I create a couple of KPIs and repeated them for each team.
  • I started by lining up the teams horizontally, which kept me under an hour. Then I sent a screenshot to Eva and she said it would make more sense to have them vertically and geographically west to east. THAT TOOK FOREVER! Three sheets for each team, each within a "team container", which is inside a "Division" container, which is inside a horizontal container to give each division container the same space. What a pain!

It's done. So with that, here's my first Makeover Monday for 2019. Click the image for the interactive version.

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