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November 10, 2022

How to Add Hundreds of Custom Color Palettes

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Tableau comes with some great color palettes that have been designed to work well together. And you can add your own custom color palettes by making a couple of simple changes to the preferences.tps file that comes with Tableau Desktop. For example, you may have a color palette that matches your company’s brand.

In this video I show you how to add 3 different types of color palettes to Tableau:

  1. Categorical
  2. Sequential
  3. Diverging

You can add as many color palettes as you’d like. While you can have as many colors as you want in each palette, the Color shelf only displays 20. Here's a link to my color palettes.

Once you’ve updated the preferences file, restart Tableau and they’ll all be there for you. Below the video is the code you need to create each of the color palette types. Make sure when you copy in the double quotes that they are straight double quotes and not angled.

Categorical Palette

color-palette name="Palette Name" type="regular">

Sequential Palette

color-palette name="Palette Name" type="ordered-sequential">

Diverging Palette

color-palette name="Palette Name" type="ordered-diverging">

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