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June 9, 2019

#MakeoverMonday: Is it wrong for same-sex adults to have sexual relations?

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It's #PrideMonth, which makes for perfect timing for this week's makeover. Eva has chosen a simple line chart that allows the user to answer a simple question: "Is it wrong for same-sex adults to have sexual relations?"

What works well?
  • The title, question response, and breakdown are all organized together. They also look quite crisp; that's because they render differently because they aren't part of the Tableau rendering.
  • The scale goes to 100%.
  • The horizontal gridlines help guide the eye.
  • Showing the year header every five years
  • Using a line chart to show trends over time
  • Allowing the user to highlight a line by clicking on the legend
  • Overall, it's an easy chart to understand.

What could be improved?
  • The share, print, export, and table buttons are in the way. Move them to the footer.
  • The colors are too similar.
  • Remove the dots on the lines for each year.
  • Why is the title green?
  • Legend text is cut off for some selections

What I did
I like the overall design of the original, so I decided to clean it up and change the main metric to answer the question differently.

  1. I removed all of the dots from the lines.
  2. I allow the user to highlight an age via a parameter action.
  3. I changed the metric on the change from % of population to the change vs. 1973. For me, this is a more meaningful way to show the change in opinions.
  4. I moved the title closer to the chart.
  5. I used Benton Sans as the font (Tableau fonts get boring sometimes).

This ended up being pretty much what I built last week, and I'm ok with that. If a chart works, stick with it.

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