
Launch, grow, and unlock your career in data

November 22, 2017

Workout Wednesday: Fun with Formatting

The week 47 challenge builds upon this viz from Zen Master Rody Zakovich which has you taking 100 rows of data and displaying it in a single viz as five columns. Sounds simple right? It's not.

The data this week is the top 100 global brands, which you will need to download here. The data is only two columns: (1) the name of the company and (2) it's 2017 value.

Here are the requirements:

  1. Everything MUST be done in a single worksheet. Yes, the title, subtitle, footer, etc. all must be done in one sheet.
  2. Put the worksheet in a dashboard before publishing that is 1200x650, but DO NOT add anything else to the dashboard.
  3. Display the data in 5 columns, with each column being a grouping of 20 brands. 
  4. The brands must be displayed in order based on their value.
  5. Include the ranking next to each name. These need to be left aligned.
  6. Match the tooltips (easy)
  7. Make sure every line you see in mine is in yours.
  8. The title should be 24pt Tableau Semibold. The subtitle is Tableau Book 9pt.
  9. The footer is 12pt.
  10. The column headers are 14pt Tableau Medium.
  11. Everything else is Tableau Book 9pt.

Click on the image below for the interactive version. Post your solution to Twitter and tag @EmmaWhyte and @VizWizBI. Most importantly...have fun!

That's it! Good luck! 


  1. This was fun, but I ran into a minor issue. If you take a look at my viz (!/vizhome/FunwithFormatting_1/Sheet1), there's a mysterious bar between the Rank # and the Brand. Any idea why this is showing up?

    1. It's a mark, so you've added it on your secondary axis I suspect.

  2. Hey Andy... I am new to this site so can you please let me know how to downlaod data which are using to create dashboard.

    1. Simple, read the blog post and it tells you exactly where to get the data.
