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March 1, 2021

#MakeoverMonday Week 9 - Seats Held by Women in National Parliaments in the EU

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This week's Makeover Monday was about representation of women in national parliaments and governments in the EU. 

Original Chart

What works well?
  • Clear title
  • Line chart is a good choice for a time series

What could be improved?
  • There are too many colors.
  • What's the focus?
  • The legend takes up a lot of space.
  • The chart ratio is too flat.
  • Overall, it's confusing and harder than necessary to find patterns.

What I did
I iterated through a series of line charts that helped me compare the countries, compare each country to the EU average, and compare each country to a specific country/year combination. The latter was created using parameter actions.

From there, I built sparklines, a trellis chart, and finally a stacked area chart and a starburst chart. The starburst chart looks cool, but it's really hard to read. I like the stacked area chart best. Pictures of both ae below the Watch Me Viz video. 

I hope you learned a lot!

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